Let's Get Solar Panels on School Rooftops Across Brighton and Hove
Over the school summer holidays, Brighton and Hove Energy Services Co-operative (BHESCo) will be installing more than 500 solar panels on four schools across the city.
Being able to generate their own renewable electricity will enable the schools to collectively save £370,900 on energy bills and reduce their carbon emissions by 640 tonnes over the next twenty years. This acts as a powerful example of renewable energy in action and shows the younger generation that a sustainable future is possible.
The four schools are Varndean College, Patcham Junior, Saltdean Primary, and Tarnerland Nursery

How Will Solar Panels Help The Schools?
Alister Sutherland, Headteacher of Patcham Junior, said:
“We are really looking forward to taking a big step towards our environmental goals with the solar panel installation.
For us as a school, apart from the financial benefits of lower cost energy, we will be able to share the project details with our pupils and ensure that they remain enthused about reducing our negative impacts on the planet”
Raising Funds From The Community For Schools' Solar Projects
To help meet the £200,000 cost of the five projects, BHESCo are seeking investment from the local community. By raising the funds in this way, local residents are able to become active participants in the fight against climate change and to support the growth of community owned green energy in Brighton and Hove.
BHESCo believe that this community ownership model is the most effective way of tackling climate change and rising energy costs, empowering members of the public to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.
More information is available about the ‘Solar for Schools’ campaign as well as details on BHESCo’s history and investment terms at investment.bhesco.co.uk/