Working with communities
Partner with BHESCo to help your community develop solar power programmes, low-carbon heat networks, and decarbonisation plans
To achieve the UK’s ambitious net zero carbon emission targets we need to develop clean energy projects at scale.
That’s why BHESCo make our services available to entire neighbourhoods, working alongside local residents to design low-carbon initiatives that will deliver meaningful benefits to the communities who live and work there.
Find out more on how we can work with your community and give us a call to discuss your community energy plans.
How does BHESCo work alongside communities?
Click on the options below to learn more about the different ways we can work with your community.
Heat Networks
BHESCo can partner with your neighbourhood or your block of flats to assess the feasibility of introducing a low-carbon heat network.
This could be powered by a shared ground source heat pump, a water source heat pump, or a series of air source heat pumps.
A heat network feasibility study will include provision for upgrading the energy efficiency of participating properties, in order to drive down overall energy demand.
Funding can be accessed to finance a heat network feasibility study from a variety of sources such as HNDU, HNES, and GHNF.

Decarbonisation plans & Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs)
BHESCo has developed a number of decarbonisation plans for communities around England and we would love to work with you too.
We have experience in the research and design of Local Area Energy Plans as well as bespoke decarbonisation plans for towns and villages.
Our service can be easily tailored to meet the needs and goals of your community, and we can work with you to access funding avenues such as the Community Energy Fund.

Heat pumps in flats
Lots of apartment buildings in Brighton and Hove are heated by a communal boiler that runs on heating oil or gas. As these heating systems near the end of their lifespan, many residents are beginning to investigate the feasibility of installing heat pumps for blocks of flats.
While introducing heat pumps in flats offers an affordable low-carbon option, replacing a fossil fuel heating system for a heat pump is not a straight-forwards swap and involves a detailed understanding of the building’s heat load demands.
BHESCo are partnering with communities in Brighton & Hove who want to upgrade their boiler with a modern, affordable, low-carbon system

Solar power communities
BHESCo are looking to partner with neighbourhoods who want to develop a community solar power programme.
BHESCo will design, finance and project manage the installation of rooftop solar panels on behalf of participating households.
Participating households will buy solar power from BHESCo at a discounted rate compared to what they pay to their energy supplier.
BHESCo will secure an export agreement with an energy supplier who agrees to purchase any excess energy generated from the solar arrays. Profits can be distributed to participating households as an annual rebate or channelled into a shared community benefit fund.

Case studies

Local Area Energy Plan - The Marches LEP Region
BHESCo were invited by The Marches Local Enterprise Partnership to deliver a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) for the region.
Three local authorities (Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin) in the Marches Region declared climate emergencies in 2019, each actively working towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.
Using complex data modelling across a variety of data sets encompassing renewable energy potential, energy efficiency upgrades, transport, agriculture, industry and waste management, BHESCo produced a costed decarbonisation pathway for the Marches Region.
Our research concluded that for an overall investment of £4.4 billion, the Gross Value Added that would be generated over the period to 2050 would be £60 billion, primarily from the creation of local electricity generation, jobs creation and biomethane production.

Decarbonisation Plan - Ovingdean
BHESCo partnered with Ovingdean Community Energy (OCE) on a Decarbonisation Plan for the village, the result of feedback received from residents following an event BHESCo hosted in 2023.
Through engagement with Ovingdean residents, BHESCo developed a detailed guide on how to decarbonise the village in a way that is affordable and cost-effective for all residents.
The roadmap examined ways to build community-owned renewable energy generation such as onshore wind and solar power as well as explaining how to reduce carbon emissions from heating and transport.
BHESCo also provided advice sessions and workshops for households wishing to reduce carbon emissions in their home and looked at establishing a community benefit fund that can pay for biodiversity and socially oriented improvements in the village.

Heat Decarbonisation Feasibility Study - Firle Estate
With funding provided by the Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) BHESCo completed a feasibility study into the development of a low-carbon heat network for the village of Firle in East Sussex.
Firle is a rural community with no connection to the gas grid. Most properties are rely on tanks of heating oil or LPG throughout the winter.
In collaboration with ReEnergise, BHESCo designed a heat network based around a series of ‘shared ground loops’, which would deliver heat to individual properties.
Research was undertaken into a variety of potential heat sources, with consideration given to technical feasibility and long-term affordability. Examples included a biomass boiler, shared ground source heat pumps, and individual air source heat pumps.
A comprehensive review of the thermal retention of properties was included, alongside a costed plan for improving the energy efficiency of homes in preparation for connection to the transition to low-carbon heat.

Carbon Neutral Communities Programme - Hove
With funding provided by the Greater South East Net Zero Hub, BHESCo delivered a community engagement campaign in Hove with the goal of decarbonising an entire neighbourhood.
The ‘4 Streets in Hove’ community was selected following a citywide competition, and a focus group was established to help with the design of communications and to liaise with the local community.
Households were invited to register their interest in the campaign, which aimed to deliver street-by-street energy efficiency upgrades and a community-scale solar power programme. Solar panels would be owned and operated by BHESCo, with residents having access to discounted renewable energy.
More than fifty properties expressed an interest in participating in the programme. BHESCo are currently in negotiation with installers to design a package of energy improvements for participating households.

Retrofit Streets Programme - Hanover, Brighton
In May 2022 BHESCo launched a pilot scheme looking at the benefits of addressing energy efficiency improvements at a whole street level.
The programme was called ‘Retrofit Streets’ and focussed on residents of Hanover Street in Brighton. Funding for the pilot programme was provided by the MCS Charitable Foundation.
Our goal was to identify common improvements that can be made to a number of properties and to achieve cost savings on the installation through ‘economies of scale’ (e.g. getting a better price from installers when bargaining for measures to be install in multiple houses at the same time).
We also investigated the introduction of rooftop solar PV and battery storage for as many properties as is feasible, looking to link these together create a microgrid.
Funding for this programme was provided by the MCS Charitable Foundation.
What are people saying about BHESCo's work with communities?
BHESCo is an amazing organisation helping our community secure lower bills and helping Brighton and Hove reduce its carbon footprint.
Renewable energy run by and for our communities offers all of us the opportunity to combat climate change, bring down fuel bills, improve energy efficiency and reach people in fuel poverty.
Phelim MacCafferty
Former Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council
Unaffordable energy bills and fossil fuel dependency must be overcome through increasing efficiency and providing locally generated, renewable energy.
BHESCo have shown that is possible – by reaching property and homeowners, renters, and families across our city and the South East, bringing an inspiring and innovative approach to energy generation to keep people warm, bring down their bills, and tackle the climate emergency.
Caroline Lucas
Brighton & Hove MP 2010 – 2024
Contact our team
Let us know how you would like to work with BHESCo to decarbonise your community