Around 70% of UK households are paying too much for their energy bills. You can quickly get cheaper energy bills by doing an energy comparison and switching to a cheaper energy supplier.
Do an energy comparison to find cheaper energy bills
Most households are paying too much because they don’t regularly perform an energy price comparison and switch to a cheper energy supplier. New tariffs and deals come out every week, so it’s important to shop around for the best deal available. Average savings for a household that has not switched for over a year is £300.
We suggest using an energy comparison site like the one offered by Citizens Advice. It takes no more than 10 minutes, and all the information you need can be found in the ‘About Your Tariff’ section of your latest bill.
Find cheaper energy bills with a renewable energy supplier
Switching your energy supplier is also a great opportunity to join the fight against climate change by deciding to clean up your act and go with a renewable supplier.
This means your energy comes from sustainable sources like solar power and wind farms. Even better, you can usually get cheaper energy bills with a green energy supplier than with a traditional supplier.
Get cheaper energy bills by doing an energy comparison and switching to a renewable energy supplier
You can choose a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable future and switch to a clean energy supplier in the time it takes to make a cup of tea.
If enough homes in England switch to a clean energy supplier we can cause a revolution in the energy market, forcing suppliers to change their ways and invest in more renewable energy.
If you are interested in installing renewable energy in your home, find out more on our Home Energy Saving page
Find cheaper energy bills with one of BHESCo's trusted UK energy suppliers
We’ve partnered with several clean energy suppliers to encourage more people to switch to clean energy. Each supplier has a unique offering to meet your passions, whether that’s supporting local energy projects, tackling fuel poverty, or providing a vegan energy tariff.
BHESCo receives a small donation for everyone who switches to one of these suppliers. Take a look
Avoid Standard Tariffs to get cheaper energy bills
The most common type of tariff is called a Standard Tariff. This is the tariff your supplier will put you on if you don’t tell them otherwise. It may come as no surprise that this is also usually one of the most expensive tariffs on offer.
We suggest choosing a fixed tariff, which means your prices are guaranteed. The easiest way to get cheaper energy bills is to call your energy supplier and ask to be put on their cheapest fixed tariff.
How to switch to a cheaper energy supplier
Once you’ve found the tariff you want, switching is as easy as buying anything else on the internet. All your new energy supplier needs to know is your name and address, your annual usage, who your current supplier is, and your bank details if you’re paying by Direct Debit.
Your new energy supplier will take care of everything for you – you don’t need to contact your old supplier at all.
After about 3 weeks your new supplier will ask for an opening meter reading, and that’s it! You enjoy cheaperenergy bills, and can treat yourself to something special with the money you save each month.
Get cheaper energy bills with the Warm home Discount
If you are eligible for the Warm Home Discount then be very careful to only choose an energy supplier that offers it.
Some new suppliers are not part of this scheme, which means that if you are an eligible Warm Home Discount customer you may lose out on your £150 support payment.
We are here to help with your energy comparison
As a not-for-profit community energy co-op, we offer a completely impartial energy comparison service with one goal in mind: to make sure you are getting the best deal for your needs.
Since 2014, we’ve helped over 1,000 local residents to save a combined £56,000 on their energy bills! We are your trusted local experts when it comes to cheaper energy bills. We take the hassle out of switching, and make it easy for you to start saving.
With BHESCo, you stay in complete control and work with us to find the best tariff for your personal needs, whether that’s a green energy supplier, an ethical supplier, or one that offers the Warm Home Discount. We can also advise on which suppliers have the best and worst customer service, and who are offering Smart Meters or paperless billing.
To speak with one of our energy advisors, call us today on 0800 999 6671 or email
Get cheaper energy bills by doing an energy comparison and switching to a cheaper energy supplier