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Align your financial goals with your personal values by investing in our award-winning community energy co-operative.
We invite you to invest in BHESCo to support the growth of community owned renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Sussex.
An investment in BHESCo will provide you with an attractive financial return whilst contributing to the UK's carbon reduction goals.
Your investment will...
Target an attractive rate of 5% interest each year
Support our innovative business model
Develop community owned energy projects
Reduce carbon emissions from the community
Lower energy costs for the community
For more than a decade the UK Government has shown a shocking lack of urgency about the climate crisis.
We need to switch from coal and gas to renewable energy sources as soon as possible.
The slow pace of action can make people feel frustrated and anxious, wondering what they can do to change things for the better.
If this sounds like you, then we have the antidote…
As a community-focused organisation with a proud record of successful carbon reduction projects, BHESCo offers its investors a practical solution that helps make a real difference in the community
By investing in BHESCo you’ll be directly supporting new clean energy projects in Sussex, driving down energy costs and carbon emissions for decades ahead.
What’s more, you’ll receive an annual 5% interest payment in return for getting these projects off the ground.
We’re passionate about helping Brighton and Hove meet its climate change targets, and we hope you will take this opportunity to support our vital work in the local community.
What are investors and supporters saying about BHESCo?
"BHESCo works hard to improve the quality of life for local families by reducing the amount of energy they need and by encouraging the uptake of clean, locally generated, renewable energy to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels""
Caroline Lucas
MP for Brighton & Hove
"BHESCo are an amazing organisation, constantly pushing for a fairer deal for residents and planet alike"
Phelim MacCafferty
Councillor, Brighton and Hove
"When the opportunity arose to invest in BHESCo I leapt at the chance. I really approve of what BHESCo is doing and hope it will be a big success"
"I love this vision and would encourage everyone in Brighton & Hove to buy shares in BHESCo"
"It's a great local idea whose time has come: insulation, warmer homes, lower bills, community ownership, and renewable energy. Brighton and Hove's ready for it!"
Thurston Crockett
Former Sustainability Officer
Brighton Hove City Council
"BHESCo are a local enterprise working to provide clean, affordable, renewable energy that also helps alleviate fuel poverty. You can't help but feel inspired and I am delighted that by becoming a member I can be part of this positive change."
Siriol Hugh Jones
Councillor & Investor
Invest in community energy and earn 5% interest
An investment in BHESCo’s will earn you interest at 5% each year* while funding the development of new community energy projects in Sussex.
By making an investment in BHESCo you will be creating a more resilient and sustainable community while helping to reduce our collective environmental impact.
Join other investors who are driving the transition away from fossil fuels by choosing to invest in community energy projects.
Other benefits of investing in community energy
In addition to receiving an attractive 5% return on your investment and having an equal say in how we are run there are a number of reasons why you should become our next investor:
- Reduce our collective carbon footprint
- Reduce fuel bills for in the community
- Create demand in local supply chains
- Support new employment opportunities
- Create a resilient local economy
- Support an innovative business model that can be replicated across the country
*5% = anticipated rate. Your capital is at risk when you invest, so never risk more than you can afford to lose. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. If you are in any doubt you should consult a financial adviser.
Community energy investment in the UK - The big picture
Across the UK communities are coming together to invest in local energy projects that deliver immediate and meaningful results.
A study by Community Energy England found that there are over 58,000 members of 495 community energy groups who have invested in projects that collectively generate 506 gigawatts of clean renewable electricity each year. That’s enough to power 174,000 UK homes.
With support from visionary investors like you, the sector is expected to grow by a factor of twelve to twenty times by 2030.
We very much hope you will soon become the latest supporter of the community energy revolution.
58,000 members
£14.3 million invested
583 active groups
Read our Beginner’s Guide To Investing In Community Energy which will answer your questions and get you started:
Why BHESCo needs your investment
On top of the long-term financial and carbon savings of our projects, added value will be generated by creating work for local businesses, supporting new employment opportunities, building a more resilient economy, and demonstrating that community energy is a viable and replicable business model.
As a not-for-profit social enterprise, BHESCo depends on its investors to finance new projects. With your help, we can continue our pioneering work and see the benefits of our business grow by increasing the number of schools involved in our solar for schools projects.
The rising number of ‘green’ funds now being provided by the mainstream investment companies shows that increasing numbers of investors are looking to align their investment goals with their personal values.
The advantages of investing in not-for-profit, community-based organisations like BHESCo (rather than large commercial investment companies) is that you can easily see the grass roots benefit being delivered right to the heart of the community.
By raising funds from the community, we remove the burdensome upfront costs that can prevent building owners from taking action to reduce the environmental impact of their buildings. This empowers everyone to become part of the transition to a sustainable low-carbon world, taking responsibility and playing their role in tackling the global challenge of climate change.
Our ambition is that every resident of Brighton & Hove becomes a member of our co-operative. By joining together in this way, we can truly take control of our future and give hope to the next generation.
An investment in BHESCo is a low risk long-term strategy
When you become an investor with BHESCo your money is channelled into low-carbon energy technologies such as solar panels, heat pumps, energy efficiency improvements and so on.
This means that the value of your funds is secured in those energy saving/ energy generating assets. In the unlikely event that BHESCo were to become insolvent, our ‘book’ of energy projects would likely be taken over by another community energy business who would continue to service the energy equipment on behalf of customers and continue to pay investors’ annual interest.
It is important note that your investment is not covered by the Financial Services Compensations Scheme, which means you cannot enjoy the same level of security as you may expect from an ISA for example.
For more information, please read our blog on why an investment in BHESCo should be considered as a low-risk, long-term investment strategy:
Things to consider before you invest
The minimum investment is £1,000 and the maximum is £100,000.
The drop down menus below contain important information which we need to share with you before you decide to invest. The information is taken from our 2023 Bond Offer Document.
Social Enterprise vs Commercial Enterprise
BHESCo is a social enterprise which is owned by and managed for the benefit of its members.
As a consumer co-operative we are bound by our Rules to act for the benefit of the communities in which we operate.
As a consumer co-operative, we remain accountable to our customers after the project installation, because all of our customers become members and have a say in our governance.
We are bound by our Rules to act for the benefit of the communities in which we operate. As a member you can get further involved through member meetings, joining working groups and standing for election to the Board.
This is a fundamentally different way of doing business on energy, as seen in the highly successful and well established model of community owned energy businesses elsewhere in Europe.
Risk factors
As with any investment there are a number of things to consider before investing your money.
The Co-operative is registered with but not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority and therefore the money you invest is not safeguarded by any depositor protection scheme or dispute resolution scheme. This means that you may not get back all of the money you invest, and you should not invest more than you can afford to lose.
If any person has any doubt about the suitability of the investment which is the subject of this Bond Offer they should consult with an appropriate authorised financial adviser on this investment.
Interest and withdrawals
Bondholders will have the contractual right, having given the required notice, to full redemption of their bonds at the end of the 5-year initial term.
BHESCo intends to pay 5% interest to our investors on an annual basis, dependent on financial performance and cash flow.
The interest is calculated gross and is not subject to a retained income tax credit.
Bondholders can decide to have their interest paid out to a nominated bank account, or to donate it to help fund our fuel poverty intervention work where it will assist vulnerable households in the local community with energy saving measures and advice.
A bondholder may apply to redeem their bonds in whole or in part as at 31 March in any
year and in order to do so shall complete a Repayment Notice and return the same to
BHESCo in accordance with the instructions printed thereon so as to be received by BHESCo
at least 3 months prior to the proposed Repayment Date. Any redemption under this
Condition 2.2 shall be at the Directors’ absolute discretion and may be for a number of
bonds less than those applied for in the Repayment Notice. Any such redemption shall be at
par, together with interest accrued on redeemed bonds up to and including the date of
Long term investment
BHESCo’s business model relies on raising cash for capital investment in its early years, hence your investment should be considered as medium to long term.
If your circumstances change, your investment may not be readily convertible into cash. Your investment may be withdrawn in accordance with the Rules but may not be withdrawable at short notice or when you wish to do so.
Terms and conditions
The Bond Offer is open to individuals over 16 years of age and to organisations who support the objectives of the Co-operative.
The minimum investment is £1,000 and the maximum is £100,000.
Under Money Laundering Regulations you may be asked to provide evidence of your identity.
The terms and conditions of the share offer are subject to English Law.
Bondholders will have the contractual right, having given the required notice, to full redemption of their bonds at the end of the 5-year initial term. BHESCo’s ability to repay the bonds at this point is dependent on it being able to secure finance from third parties and/or future bond investors

A message from
BHESCo' s founder
To quote an old Lakota proverb: “Treat the earth well – it was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children”.
I established BHESCo because I believe it is our duty to do all we can to ensure a prosperous, thriving future for the next generation.
We must create a new and better society where people live and work in efficient buildings powered by 100% renewable energy.
What better place to establish this vision than in our schools, providing a first-hand demonstration to young people that a sustainable world is not just a dream but a reality, right here, right now.
The latest Bond Offer from BHESCo is seeking to raise £580,000 to install nearly 700 solar panels on five schools around our city.
On average, we expect these solar arrays to meet around 70% of the schools’ electricity needs, bringing savings of around £3.5m over the next 25 years (money that can be channelled into better supplies, staff wages, facilities etc).
Furthermore, by generating their own on-site clean energy instead of buying it from an energy company, the schools will make a big reduction to their environmental impact. We estimate that the combined carbon dioxide savings from these projects will be the same as 4,332 TransAtlantic flights, or equivalent to removing 580 cars from the road for a whole year.
By becoming an investor in these projects you will help our schools to save money and fight climate change whilst receiving an attractive rate of interest on your investment.
We’re confident you’ll be as excited about this bond offer as we are and we hope you choose to make an investment which benefits our young people, our planet, and our community.
Kayle Ente MBE
Founder & CEO
Please remember that our investments are not covered by the UK’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and that prospective investors may not get back the full amount they invest.