Why wind and solar power are a perfect fit for wine estates in Sussex

Wine making in Sussex has grown tremendously in recent years, and as wineries and vineyards become more common and larger in size, there is a stronger case than ever for these businesses to consider the adoption of solar and wind power.

Wineries and vineyards make excellent candidates for solar power due to the significant amount of land available, and because of the relatively energy intensive nature of some aspects of the wine making business.

As sustainable business practices and corporate responsibility become more prominent in the eyes of customers, it is increasingly important for businesses to demonstrate that they are taking steps to reduce the environmental impact of their operations.

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In most cases, introducing energy saving or renewable energy technologies will improve your appeal to customers who expect responsible environmental practices, as well as delivering a significant reduction in your operating costs.

As recent years have shown, the cost of energy can be volatile. Due to the spike in gas prices, energy overheads have become one of the most expensive operational costs for winemakers.

As fossil fuels become more scarce, and as governments bring in policies to disincentivise their use, oil and gas will  become increasingly unreliable sources of heat and power. Taking action now to install energy saving and renewable energy generating technologies is a forward-thinking, long-term business investment that will reap rewards for decades ahead.

If you are thinking about installing renewable energy technologies at your wine estate, here are a few things that you may wish to consider:

The importance of conducting an energy assessment of your winery

At BHESCo, we are passionate about designing the most cost-effective and impactful energy systems to suit the needs of our customers. We know that every property has a unique energy profile, and our Project Team want to become your trusted, independent partner to deliver the best outcomes for your unique business.

We will combine an on-site survey of the property with a detailed analysis of your energy consumption data to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your heat and power demands.

Our Project Team will use their decades of industry experience and technical expertise to design a holistic energy improvement plan to improve energy efficiency of your premises while maximising renewable energy generation. The more you optimise your capacity to generate your own, low cost electricity on site, the more you can ensure that your operation cost remains low into the future. 

Working with BHESCO as Project Manager

Once a site survey has identified the most cost-effective energy saving/ energy generating solutions for your wine estate, you may decide to engage BHESCo’s Energy Project Management Services.

When acting as Project Manager, BHESCo will take care of every aspect of your energy project, overseeing the planning, installation, cost management and operating performance of the systems that are installed.

We liaise with suppliers to obtain the best performance and value options and ensure that a high-quality installation is undertaken by one of our experienced and qualified local contractors.

Where applicable, BHESCo can act on your behalf in consultations with the local authority regarding permissions for listed properties or work in conservation areas or support grant applications.

How to finance your wine estate's clean energy system

At BHESCo, we know that many wine estates want to make the switch to renewable energy, but do not have  the upfront financing to make that happen. 

For this reason, BHESCo give our clients the option to install low-carbon energy systems at no upfront cost through our innovative Pay As You Save’ finance initiative. 

Project costs are raised from BHESCo’s network of community investors, who want to use their money to support solutions to climate change. This means there is no upfront cost to your winery, who benefit from energy bill savings immediately. 

The project costs are paid back over an agreed number of years using a portion of the savings achieved from monthly energy bills. 

At the end of the contract period, ownership of the energy system is transferred to the wine estate who enjoy 100% of the savings achieved on monthly energy costs. 

What funding is available to help with energy improvements at wine estates?

The Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) will support manufacturing sites in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to cut their energy bills and decarbonise their processes through investing in energy efficiency and deep decarbonisation technologies.

A new funding round is available from June 2024. 

The competition is open to a range of industrial sites, from manufacturing, wine-making, brewing, mining, quarrying, material recycling and data centres, both within and outside the industrial clusters.

BHESCo are seeking to partner with wine estates and business parks in Sussex who want to make an application for IETF funding.

What are the key benefits of installing energy saving and energy generating technologies at your wine estate?

Lower heat and power costs

Establish new revenue streams

Enhance reputation with stakeholders

Provide energy flexibility services

Accelerate transition to net zero

Reduce exposure to energy markets

Why energy saving technologies can deliver big benefits for wine estates

Improving the energy efficiency of a winery will improve the overall efficiency whilst generating minimal disruption to operations. With energy prices continuing to rise for the foreseeable future, it is vital for wine producers to make every effort to minimise energy loss and inefficiency.

The most effective way to ensure good energy management on an estate is to fully understand your energy consumption profile. This can be achieved through the introduction of energy monitoring and metering systems, collecting the detailed data required to make informed decisions and design an effective long-term energy performance strategy.

Once you have a clear idea of which aspects of your operations are incurring the greatest costs, you can take proactive measures to reduce energy consumption by introducing energy efficiency technologies and smart power saving devices.

Introducing wind power to your wine estate

Given that the UK has the largest potential for onshore wind power in Europe,  an English wine estate is an excellent candidate for onshore wind power. Wine estates have enough land available to locate several wind turbines which could deliver a significant percentage of annual electricity needs.

The beauty of onshore wind is that it works when the winery uses the most electricity, in the Autumn and late Winter, when solar panels do not perform as well.

Combining solar power with battery storage for maximum cost efficiency

In peak Summer months, depending on the energy demand and generation capacity of the winery, there is a likelihood that more energy is being generated than can be consumed on site.

Since the withdrawal of the Feed-In-Tariff subsidy in 2019, which provided generators with a payment for the clean electricity that they exported to the electricity grid, the most effective way for solar panel owners to get the additional benefit from their array is through the introduction of battery storage.

Battery storage technologies enable solar power generators to store excess electricity that is not consumed at the time that it is being generated. This stored electricity can then be utilised later in the evening when solar generation is lower. Alternatively, the stored energy can be exported for a profit to an energy company or to a nearby neighbour via a peer-to-peer trading platform.

The addition of battery storage will also provide the battery owner with the option to provide ‘grid balancing services’ to the regional electricity Distribution Network Operator (in Sussex and the South East, this is UK Power Networks). Whilst playing an invaluable role in the creation of a low-carbon modern energy network, which is key for transitioning to a sustainable energy system, providing energy management services can also present new revenue generating opportunities – more on that here.

Starting your journey to a clean energy future for your wine estate

Without a doubt, wineries (and especially wineries in Sussex and the South of England) are excellent candidates for on-site renewable energy generation.

With energy prices from suppliers looking like they will see increasing volatility in the future, it makes more business sense than ever for wine estates to embrace the renewable energy revolution, integrating solar power and battery storage technologies with their existing operations.

If you are interested in taking the first steps on the journey to zero-carbon energy independence then please complete the contact form below and the BHESCo Projects Team will get back to you.

Becoming an eco-conscious wine estate

By taking active steps to reduce emissions from your wine making process, you are reducing the climate impact of your business, demonstrating social and environmental leadership. Positive action on reducing carbon emissions is increasingly appealing to investors, customers and employees and can attract new funds, revenue and staff to your business.

Tackling climate change is a seen as a top priority by more people now than at any other time in history. In response to the climate emergency, customers expect that the wines they buy to come from sustainable businesses which actively engage in minimising the environmental impact of their operations.

Younger generations in particular have demonstrated a willingness to support businesses who have shown transparency and ambition as regards a carbon emissions reduction strategy, even when that means paying a little extra.

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