Dyke Golf Club - Project background
Dyke Golf Club is one of the finest courses in the South, with panoramic views out to sea and across the South Downs National Park. The club is located 4 miles from Brighton and is open all year around
BHESCo was engaged to find a sustainable solution to the energy needs of Dyke Golf Club’s maintenance equipment shed.
The site needs a continual supply of electricity for water drainage pumps, an intruder alarm, heaters, flood lights, and high pressure cleaning tools.
The existing power solution relied on an oil powered generator, which was not only becoming more expensive to run due to the volatile nature of global oil markets, but was highly polluting and counterintuitive to the golf club’s ambitions to pivot towards an environmentally sustainable operation.

BHESCo recommendations & project install
The maintenance building is considered to be ‘off-grid’ which means that it is not connected to the National Grid electricity network. For this reason, the building had historically been running entirely off of a diesel generator.
This type of generator emits not only carbon dioxide but also nitrous oxide and hazardous particulates which pollute the local air quality.
Initially, BHESCo considered a wind power project because of the elevation and strong wind speeds of the site. However, we soon realised this would not be feasible due to the high costs of planning permission.
Instead we shifted our focus towards solar power, which is an ideal solution for off-gas-grid properties and has a proven track record of successful deployment in rural or countryside locations.
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Following an extensive survey of the site, BHESCo designed and project managed the installation of a 7.68kW rooftop solar array, in addition to a battery storage system as a contingency for times when solar power was inadequate.
To reduce the energy demand of the maintenance shed, an array of energy saving LED lamps and tube lights were installed.
The measures were financed on behalf of Dyke Golf Club through BHESCo’s ‘Pay-As-You-Save’ initiative, meaning that the golf club can start making savings immediately without any upfront cost.
The cost of the equipment is paid back over an agreed lease period of 20 years, using a portion of the savings that the golf club will achieve on its monthly energy bills.
One of the key factors which made this community energy project so economically appealing was its eligibility for the solar power ‘Feed-In-Tariff and the deemed export.

Energy saving and renewable energy equipment installed at the golf club
7.7kW Solar PV
LED Lighting
Battery Storage
Estimated lifetime cost and carbon savings from the energy measures

Project Contact Form
If you are interested in working with BHESCo to revolutionise the way that your golf club sources it’s heat and power then please provide your details in the form below and a member of our Projects Team will get back to you to discuss next steps.