Reducing energy costs and carbon emissions for your business or organisation

Our award-winning Energy Saving Service will quickly identify where you are wasting heat and power and help you take action to improve your premises.

A good environmental and facilities management strategy forms the basis from which to run any successful organisation – whatever the size or sector.

This will ensure you meet the financial, regulatory and stakeholder obligations of your business, as well as helping you attract and retain loyal customers and  talented team members.

Improve comfort & wellbeing

Reduce energy costs

Lower environmental impact

How we do this using our simple five-step plan

We make our service simple and affordable to ensure that everyone can have access to clean, affordable, locally-owned energy.

The first step in designing any energy strategy is with an energy survey so that we can understand existing issues and identify opportunities for improvement.

Customers may then choose to engage BHESCo as a project manager, or continue or their own if they prefer. 

We survey your property and examine your energy bills to gain an in-depth understanding of your heating and electricity needs.

You receive a detailed report identifying all the ways your property is wasting heat and energy. We will recommend energy saving measures to address areas of concern and identify the potential for renewable energy solutions.

Based on the upfront installation costs and future energy bill savings projections, we will present a proposal to finance the project through our ‘Pay As You Save’ initiative, if appropriate.

You choose which energy saving and renewable energy measures that you want to install and BHESCo can fund the project installation costs with funds invested by our co-operative shareholder members.

We can project manage the installation of improvements on your behalf, which includes sourcing cost-competitive quotes from our trusted network of local installers.

Once all works have been completed we will continue to monitor your equipment to ensure the expected long-term savings are achieved.

Are you eligible for funding to help with energy improvements?

There are a variety of funding opportunities available to help organisations and businesses with the installation of measures that will reduce long-term energy costs and carbon emissions. 

Our Core Services
Project Consultancy

BHESCo’s Energy Saving Team conduct an on-site survey of your property.

We will produce a detailed report highlighting opportunities for improvements and recommending the most cost-effective solutions to remedy areas of significant heat loss and energy waste.

Our report will include an estimated cost vs savings analysis to help you make informed decisions about which energy improvement measures you wish to install.

Project Management

We act as project manager, overseeing the planning, installation, cost management and operating performance of your chosen energy saving or energy generating measures. 

We work with our trusted network of local suppliers to obtain the best performance and value options for the property. 

BHESCo stipulates the savings in the contract and ensures that a high quality installation is undertaken by one of our experienced and qualified local contractors.

Project Finance

Project installation costs are financed by BHESCo’s co-operative members, meaning there is no upfront cost to our customers, who start making savings immediately. 

A portion of the monthly savings are used to repay the cost of the project, plus interest which we pass on to our members.

Once repaid, customers get the full financial benefit of their energy equipment and associated savings.

Our Typical Customers

Please click on the customer types below for more detailed information. 

Blocks of flats


Office space

Fitness & Leisure

Industrial estates

Wine estates & vineyards

Schools & colleges

Care homes

Typical energy improvements

BHESCo’s experienced and knowledgeable energy saving advisors will design a bespoke energy saving plan that is unique for your business or organisation.

To identify opportunities for improving the energy performance of any property it is vital to gain a thorough understanding of energy demand and consumption patterns.

For this reason, a bespoke BHESCo energy survey should be the first phase of any planned building improvements, underpinning every other stage of your future energy strategy.

Our bespoke and holistic energy survey will provide a thorough and detailed examination of every aspect involved with heating and powering your facility, including:

In addition to helping you improve the energy performance of your property BHESCo can evaluate the potential for generating your own renewable electricity by installing rooftop solar panels.

We can also help you can maximise the value of the electricity you generate by installing a solar battery. This allows you to store energy that has been generated during the day for when you may need it later in the evening.

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For properties that have solar panels installed the addition of battery storage technology enables owners to store electricity for use at a time of their convenience.

Battery storage can also enable users to take advantage of ‘Time Of Use’ Tariffs, whereby a battery can be charged during times when energy prices are low and discharged at when prices are high. Alternatively, you may choose to sell any surplus electricity back to the electricity grid at times of high demand, creating a new revenue stream for your church.

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In many instances there is no need for lights to be left on continually. Adding motion sensors to turn lights on automatically whenever an employee is in the vicinity will cut down on waste and can achieve savings of up to 30%.

It is also advisable to install remote heating and lighting controls, enabling specific heat and light levels to be set for different zones of the building and in relation to time and seasonal variations.

Integrating remote monitoring and controls will enable facilities managers to continually gather and analyse data about a building’s energy use, adjusting heat and lighting settings in reaction to the information available, and creating a business case for the adoption of new measures where necessary.

Switching from traditional incandescent or halogen lighting to energy efficient ‘Light Emitting Diodes’ (LEDs) can reduce electricity consumption from lighting by up to 90%.

Adding motion sensors for lesser used rooms or corridors can further help to drive down energy bills.

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Chances are that heating consumption accounts for the majority of your monthly energy bill.

Generating your heat more efficiently can greatly reduce your bills and dramatically improve comfort in your property..

Depending on the the type of building in question and the amount of space available you may be able to heat your property with an air source or a ground source heat pump.

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The cost of heating in the UK can be very expensive.

If you are losing heat through draughty windows and doors then your property will not only be uncomfortably cold but you will be wasting huge amounts of money as well.

Improving your windows and doors will make your property feel much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer.

Furthermore, as well as helping you cut down on energy bills, new windows and doors will reduce levels of noise pollution from outside the property.

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Any floor that is above an unheated space (like a garage or a basement) can easily lose a great deal of heat to the colder area beneath.

In some properties heat can be lost throught the ground floor as well, so it is important that floors are properly insulated wherever possible.

The type of floor in your property (concrete or suspended timber) will determine which solution is most appropriate.

Hot air rises, which means that up to a quarter of heat loss in can occur if your roof is not properly insulated.

Fortunately, topping up your loft insulation is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make a big difference to the energy efficiency of your property.

Increasing the depth of your loft insulation to the recommended minimum of 270mm will immediately improve comfort and wellbeing while helping you to dramatically reduce energy bills.

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The majority of heat loss in the home occurs through the walls – in some cases heat loss though uninsulated walls can account for up to half of all heat loss in a property.

There are a variety of solutions for improving the energy efficiency of your walls which can depend on the age and the type of the property.

Possible solutions could include Cavity Wall Insulation, External Wall Insulation, or Internal Wall Insulation.

If necessary our energy assessment can include a borescope survey to identify the current state of the walls and what insulation there may or may not be already.

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Case Studies

Montessori Place School, 


Solar PV, air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, insulation.

Alistair Fleming Design, 


Solar PV, Sunamp heat batteries, air-conditioning units, LED lighting.

 Dyke Golf Club,


Solar PV, LED lighting, battery bank, monitoring & control system, FIT generation meter.

The Unity Centre,


Air source heat pump, underfloor heating system, insulation, LED lighting.

What are the benefits of introducing an energy improvement strategy for your premises?

Efficient energy management = Effective business management

A holistic environmental and facilities management strategy is a vital element of any successful organisation – regardless of sector, size, or site.

This will enable organisations to meet financial, procedural and stakeholder expectations, in addition to attracting and retaining loyal customers and talented staff.

A business premises with a low environmental impact and a reliable and comfortable temperature in all seasons will form a sound basis for your organisation to thrive.

Our typical customers include schools, sports and leisure facilities, care homes, community centres, hotels, churches and small businesses.

Gain a competitive edge and identify new revenue streams

Making improvements to the energy management of your premises will drive down operating costs and enhance comfort levels for staff and visitors. Saving money on your energy costs allows you to reinvest profits on staff, marketing, and resources which really matter to your organisation.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, the average small and medium sized enterprise (SME) could reduce its energy bill by up to 25% by installing energy efficiency measures and introducing behaviour change.

Where possible, generating your own renewable electricity is significantly cheaper than purchasing energy from a supplier and could also present opportunities for revenue generation via the sale of excess electricity.

In addition to great financial savings, improving the energy performance of your business or organisation will deliver the following benefits:

Start Generating Your Own Renewable Energy

In addition to helping you improve the energy performance of your property a BHESCo energy audit will investigate the potential economic advantage of generating your own renewable energy.

The most common technologies we use are solar photovoltaics (PV) and air source heat pumps, but we can look at the viability of other solutions such as air source or ground source heat pumps and battery storage technologies.

The costs of solar panels have fallen dramatically in the last ten years, bringing ownership of renewable energy generation within reach for millions of people.

You may also be able to earn additional revenue from the sale of excess electricity to energy suppliers, neighbours, or electric vehicle owners through a digital trading platform.

What are people saying about BHESCo's Energy Saving Service?

"If you want a very comprehensive, reasonably priced analysis of the energy efficiency of your property, with detailed, costed, and prioritised proposals for improvement, then BHESCo is where you're going to get it"
"BHESCo is giving us the best service, working really hard on getting the best solution. There is a real professionalism in the team and a real willingness to help the green energy to be developed"

Read other customer reviews on Trustpilot

Interested in working with BHESCo?

We are always looking to develop new projects and want to hear your ideas.

Whether you are looking to get solar panels for your roof, switch to low-carbon heating, or improve the energy efficiency of your property, BHESCo would love to support your journey to affordable clean energy.